Property syndicates are usually established by parties who typically seek assets with a long lease term. This lets them secure finance against the assets to leverage investor returns. Very little consideration is given to the exit value of the property and investors can be left waiting for a new syndicator investor to buy their investment share in a secondary market.
When you invest with Mates Invest, you don’t have to worry about an individual investment property, or the value of your unit share in a secondary market. Mates Invest offers a more secure and sustainable investment model.
Mates Invest operates as a Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) fund. Assets are not owned in a proportionate ownership structure and instead are owned in a holding company that investors have a right to return over.
Being a PIE structure means that our tax rate on returns is capped at 28%. As a result, you may end up paying less tax than you would in a different investment vehicle which has tax rates of up to 39%. For further information, register your interest to receive an Information Memorandum.